OPTIONAL - Frost Alerts in the Tracis Webportal

Our Frost Alert System is based on measurements of Air Temperature and Air Humidity at a height of the lower branches from the trees in your orchard. Normally the risks of frost damage at this height is biggest because the cold rises up from the soil. An important measure is the so called wet bulb temperature (for more information on the wet bulb temperature click here). Our Frost Alert System supports alarms based on the dry bulb temperature (air temperature) as well as on the wet bulb temperature. As soon as the temperature threshold is reached at one of the FieldGuard stations in your system you will be called on your cell phone.

When the alarm sets of, the systems automatically calls the first telephone number you listed, if this participant doesn't answer the call the system will automatically call the next participant in the frost alert system (and so on). Depending on the situation the user answering the call can decide to snooze the alarm for another 10 minutes to wait and see in which direction the temperature is going or switch off the alarm for the rest of the day. The alarm is automatically switched back on the same day at 20.00h.

relation between temperature and humidity
Frost Alert Phone
In case of an alarm, you will automatically receive a call on your mobile phone and the message will indicate which station has issued a frost warning. Nachtvorst waarschuwing Nachtvorst waarschuwing